phstat assignment help


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PHStat is a software that can be used with Microsoft Excel to explore statistics. It is an Excel add-in designed to perform statistical analysis. It was developed only for non-commercial purpose and cannot be used as a replacement for statistical packages such as SPSS, Minitab or SAS. When performing analysis with PHStat, it will produce new worksheets and chart sheets besides the data tab in the currently active workbook.

The output produced by PHStat will highlight certain cells that contain important values by a light yellow shade with boldface text. The values to be entered will be highlighted in light blue (or turquoise) color and the intermediate calculations will be shown in normal/plain text without any color background. Once we perform an analysis, we can simply change the input values which are highlighted in blue color, so that different results can be produced without reselecting the PHStat command. After installation, PHStat add-in will be available separately in the menu bar 'Add-Ins' in an Excel workbook.

PHStat includes various analysis such as - Data Preparation, Descriptive Statistics, Decision-Making, Probability & Prob. Distributions, Sampling, Confidence Intervals, Sample Size, One-Sample Tests, Two-Sample Tests (unsummarized Data), Two-Sample Tests (Summarized Data), Multiple-Sample Tests, Control Charts, Regression, and Utilities.

PHStat Assignment Help

Statisticshelpdesk offers online PHStat assignment help and homework help. Our tutors help students in grasping and understanding the methods of installation of PHStat add on excel and its application. Our PHStat assignment help services comprises of conducting statistical analysis on a excel workbook. We also provide help in installing the PHStat addon to microsoft excel. Our step by step approach helps students to understand the solution themselves. We provide PHStat assignment help through email where a student can quickly upload his PHStat homework on our website and get it done before the due date.

PHStat Homework Help

PHStat Homework Help covers all homework and course work questions in PHStat. Our tutors are highly efficient in teaching the use and application of PHStat methods and concepts on robust online platform. Students can learn to get the best advantage out of learning PHStat for solving various statstical problems through various methods. Our online PHStat homework help is a one stop solution to get last minute help in statistical projects, analytical tasks and assignments.

PHStat Online Tutor

Our PHStat online tutors are highly experienced statistics tutors with years of academic teaching experience as well as research. We provide PHStat tutor help online service in which a student can have a direct interaction with our tutors online in the form of live chatting and online session. The student can take the advantage of exam preparation and seek help in his/her quizzes and tests. We provide convenient and easy services at affordable session rates to students seeking help from online statistics tutor.

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